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Your Plate, Your Fate | A Revolutionary Recipe for Lifelong Health & Effortless Weight Loss Leave a comment

Product Name: Your Plate, Your Fate | A Revolutionary Recipe for Lifelong Health & Effortless Weight Loss


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Your Plate, Your Fate | A Revolutionary Recipe for Lifelong Health & Effortless Weight Loss is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


It seems every time you open a newspaper, turn on the TV or browse the Internet, you hear about a new discovery proving that the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging.

But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story – the rates of obesity and diet-related diseases are skyrocketing.

What’s more, these illnesses – which were once incorrectly associated with age – are affecting people younger and younger. In fact, some children are even beginning to exhibit signs of heart disease!

Take a moment to consider the following statistics:

But these numbers are more than just statistics on a page…

Take a moment to think back over the last 10 years of your life.

Do you know anyone who has had cancer? Have you known someone who died of a heart attack or has been debilitated by stroke? Have you witnessed Alzheimer’s steal the mind and memories of a loved one?

Chances are you answered yes to at least one of these questions.

In the coming years, hundreds of people you have met will die from these causes. Others will live the last 10 to 20 years of their life in pain, suffering and dementia… hobbling from one doctor’s appointment to the next.

It could even happen to you.

But listen to me very closely…

Nearly every disease that plagues modern man begins with what is on our plate. Most people are digging their own graves with a knife and fork.

But this DOES NOT have to happen. And it certainly does not have to happen to you and those you love.

You can change the course of your life and chart the course of your health with a few simple choices and a handful of easy changes.

You can lose weight effortlessly. You can prevent disease in your body. You can reverse the symptoms of disease that may already be there. You can feel GREAT and have abundant energy!

And you are about to learn how…

In the last 15 years, we have learned more about the human body and the causes of disease than we have in the past thousand years. And we have technology to thank for it.

But as the saying goes: Live by the sword, die by the sword.

While technology has helped us learn more about nutrition and how the body works, it is also technology and the “advancements” in food science that have fueled the rise of chronic disease.

The improvements that were meant to make our lives “easier” and more convenient have come with a tradeoff. And that tradeoff was our health.

Mass production – from feedlots… to fish farms… to fake foods – has introduced an array of foreign substances into our diets… while stripping some of the most vital, disease-fighting compounds away.

The result has been a recipe for disease.

But all it takes is a little knowledge, the right tools, and a few simple changes to ensure this never happens to you or the ones you love.

The good news is that regardless of your age or the “dis-eases” you have, you can protect and restore your health and burn away fat using the power of your plate.

Your body is an amazing, dynamic machine:

Your body is in a constant state of renewal. And when you give your body exactly what it needs and avoid the things that harm it, the rate of renewal you will experience will astound you!

It doesn’t matter where you are today…

If you are overweight and want to lose fat… or unhealthy and you want to feel better. If you are worn down and you need more energy… or even if you are in top shape and you want to stay that way… this is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

In the next seven minutes I will show you a program that is 100% guaranteed to restore your health, boost your energy and optimize your weight.

The food you eat is not just calories that give you energy and fuel your body…

It is information, cellular fuel, immune support, free-radical defense, detoxification, hormonal balance, and glowing, supple skin… all wrapped up in a delicious, disease-fighting package.

That is, if you’re eating the right foods.

What if I told you that you can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, weight gain, premature aging, cataracts and macular degeneration, infertility and IBS… all in one meal?

Seem too good to be true? Well, it’s not…

While most chronic diseases may look very different on the surface, they are really just physical variations of the same underlying causes. When you eliminate the causes, disease doesn’t stand a chance.

I’ll get to that in a moment. But before I go on…

My name is Kelley Herring. I am the founder and CEO of a company called Healing Gourmet. You might also know me as a contributing editor to Total Health Breakthroughs and Early To Rise.

I am also the Editor in Chief of a four-book series published by McGraw Hill on the power of foods and nutrients to promote health and protect against disease.

Over the years, I have become widely recognized as an expert on health and nutrition and what it takes to live a long, active and age-defying life.

But I didn’t start out to become a natural health expert. I was going to be a doctor. But faced with my own personal health emergency my faith in “modern” medicine was shaken.

It goes back a few years – actually 28 years – to the day I got a Fischer Price Doctor’s kit from the toy store.

Right away, I began to check my parent’s temperature… monitor my sister’s vital signs… and diagnose their various “ailments.” And from that day on, my goal was to become a doctor.

I never let go of that dream. And 14 years later, I was enrolled in the pre-medical program at Florida State University – majoring in biology and chemistry.

But it wasn’t long before I realized there was a dark side to medicine….

For all my life I had been very healthy. I never had more than the occasional cold and I always had a very high level of energy. As a teenager, I danced ballet daily, competed in dozens of competitions, and was a varsity cheerleader and gymnast.

Not once did I think about my health. But that all changed toward the end of my freshman year, when I became devastatingly ill.

A dismal, unrelenting cloud of sickness came over me. I was so weak I could hardly lift my body out of bed. I was constantly fatigued. And what began as a sore throat, progressed to open sores that trailed down my esophagus. I had to use a toxic numbing spray just to eat without tears.

To one degree or another, this went on for months. I wondered on a daily basis when the nightmare would end – or if it would end me.

At that time, I wanted to be a doctor. So “doctors” were the first place I turned for healing. I can’t tell you how disappointed and disillusioned I became.

I began by visiting the university health clinic. Time after time they sent me away with another diagnosis, another recommendation to see a specialist, and with another prescription to fill.

I was put on antivirals, antibiotics, corticosteroids and recommended anti-depressants (since, of course, “depression” causes large, gaping sores in your throat). Even at 18 I knew that was hogwash. I never took the anti-depressants.

I was diagnosed with everything from strep throat, to hay fever to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). One doctor even suggested I could have AIDS, even though I NEVER did anything to put myself in that risk category.

But you know the one thing that NOT ONE DOCTOR out of dozens ever asked…

Kelley… Tell me about your lifestyle. What are you eating? What are you drinking? Has anything changed in your diet?

More than a dozen tests and prescriptions… one “specialist” after another… and NOT ONE doctor asked me what kind of fuel I was putting into my body or if anything had changed in terms of my lifestyle.

Looking back now, I understand why. Doctors aren’t trained to solve the problem; their job is primarily to deal with the symptoms.

So, after exhausting my options, and realizing that I had no one but myself to count on, I began taking a much deeper look at my life, my health and my diet.

I missed Mom’s cooking, that’s for sure. But other than that, I was pretty much on target, I thought. But delving deeper, I realized I was cutting some corners and adding some new “poisons” to my plate.

I had turned to campus hot dogs for quick meals between classes. And as a college freshman, I was attending beer parties on the weekends (gasp!).

I had found a lead in my own case. So, like any scientist, I isolated the variables, and gave it a shot. No more beer and no more campus hot dog quickies.

After eliminating those two things – and doing nothing more – the sores in my throat began to heal, I regained my strength and energy, and charted my course back to wellness.

It turned out that I had a wheat/gluten/malt sensitivity from the beer, coupled with assaults to my immune system from the sodium nitrites in the processed meat products.

While I am thankful the experience is behind me, I am grateful for what I learned. It opened my eyes and has led me to a lifetime of discovery. And little did I know that it would change my life forever.

I still graduated with that degree in biology and chemistry… but I no longer had an interest in becoming a “doctor”, chasing one symptom after another and putting people on a toxic blend of drugs.

I wanted to help people understand their health better… so they would never NEED a doctor. I wanted to help people heal. I wanted to help people prevent the devastating illnesses that are so closely associated with our diet and lifestyle.

I had just completed my degree as the “New Nutritional Frontier” began to dawn.

Technology was finally giving scientists the tools they needed to understand the thousands of compounds in food that have the ability to nourish and heal.

About that time, I was doing some post-graduate work and I needed a thesis topic. And there it was!

Foods contain unique nutrients that affect specific diseases.

Stumbling across this new world of nutritional science was the biggest “aha!” moment of my life. I saw an opportunity to pursue my love of science… and better yet, combine it with another lifelong passion… cooking!

I had finally found my life’s purpose… and most importantly, I knew that I could help thousands of people to enjoy total health and prevent disease for life!

Within just a few months, Healing Gourmet was born.

A lot has happened in the years since then. There have been exciting developments (like the book deals with McGraw Hill and an offer to do a TV show) and disappointing setbacks (like a last-minute denial from the National Cancer Institute for a grant and the challenge of funding the project on my own).

But we have always pressed on, continuing to develop a new way of thinking about food… and health. And that brings me to where we are today…

Through reviews of thousands of studies and working with some of the most cutting-edge minds in the fields of science and nutrition, the editors of Healing Gourmet have put together an indispensable guidebook to how foods work in your body to harm… or to heal.

Our population needs education… not medication. And that is exactly what Your Plate, Your Fate is all about.

It is a health transformation program, presented as a series of e-books, that is essential for anyone who wants to lose unwanted fat and live healthier… longer!

Your Plate, Your Fate is your forever guidebook for using food and nutrients to improve your health and vitality, lose weight, slow down the aging process, and prevent disease.

Presented as a seven-part series, Your Plate, Your Fate may appear to be seven individual pieces about very different topics. What you’ll find is that (just like your health) the entire series is interconnected…

You don’t just wake up one day with diabetes. You don’t catch cancer. And your memory isn’t here one day, and then gone the next.

All of these chronic illnesses take years, or even decades, of the same internal destructive processes before the diagnosis occurs.

We call these destructive internal processes “The Big Five” and within the Your Plate, Your Fate health transformation system, you will learn specifically (and deliciously!) how to tame these health foes.

Most health books are packed with information…but lacking in good advice. In our 7-book series, you’ll get hundreds of tips on how you can put prevention into practice.

You will receive life-saving information and advice, all of it research-driven and scientifically proven.

You will have not only the knowledge, but the tools to change your lifestyle… and your life! This is exactly what you need to make dramatic and rapid changes to your health and body. All you have to do is follow along.

Here’s what you will receive…

Use this quick start guide to familiarize yourself with the content of the series and quickly locate information by specific health condition or topic.

Each strand of your DNA is attacked or damaged every 8.4 seconds! In this book, you’ll learn how to guard your precious cells with delicious, antioxidant-rich foods… and how to get your body to make more of its own internal antioxidant artillery.

Better taste and more nutrients too? You bet! In this book, you’ll discover how foods grown in accord with Mother Nature protect you from health-harming contaminants and pack more age-defying, disease-fighting nutrition into every bite.

Did you know that the fats you eat are metabolic messengers? They can tell your body to make hormones, turn on genes that guard against (or promote) cancer and even store fat or shed it. Make sure your body gets the right memos! Learn about the fats you need to stay healthy and slim… and how to get them in the right ratios.

Your blood sugar is one of the best measure of your health. In this book you’ll learn why it’s so important to keep your blood sugar under control, and how to do it while enjoying sumptuous low-glycemic impact foods (including decadent desserts!).

Tummy troubles? That’s not good! Your digestive health influences every other system in your body… as well as your risk for nearly every chronic disease. In this book, you’ll learn how to avoid the most common digestive threats and how to power up your digestion for better immunity, more nutrient absorption and better detoxification. 

Did you know that many of the ill-effects of our diet can be blamed on our cooking? In this book, you’ll learn the best ways to prepare your food to maximize nutrients… and avoid health-harming, cancer-causing compounds. You’ll also learn which cookware and containers you should be using to stay free from cell-damaging and endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

And there’s MORE! You’ll also enjoy these FREE bonuses:

Did you know that many over the counter and prescription medicines rob you of vital nutrients? In this free bonus, you’ll learn about the specific drugs that deplete vitamins, minerals and life-giving phytonutrients.

Good health starts with “clean” ingredients. In this free bonus, you’ll learn about the most toxic additives and preservatives and how to keep them out of your food so you can preserve your health.

Despite the fact that what we eat affects every organ and system in our body, did you know that most doctors have never taken a single nutrition course? In Western medicine, doctors treat the symptoms – not the cause of disease. This free book will open your eyes to the tests that can help uncover your risk of disease, the root causes of poor health, and the nutritional solutions to rejuvenate your body.

This is exactly what you need to make dramatic and rapid changes to your health and body. All you have to do is follow along. You will have the knowledge and the tools to change your life!

And that’s not all you’ll receive…

In addition to Your Plate, Your Fate, your forever guidebook to health, you will also receive a lifetime membership to the cutting-edge Healing Gourmet website.

That way, you will have an entire system that helps you get the most from this information. You can begin integrating what you learn from day one.

Here is just a snapshot of what is available to you at Healing Gourmet:

As a member of Healing Gourmet, you will have ready access to recipes, tools and information that can totally transform your body and your health.

And don’t think you’ll have to sacrifice…

Healing Gourmet is blazing trails, using the latest all-natural, low-glycemic ingredients to make delicious and healthy desserts!

And no more guessing at which nutrients are in the foods you’re eating. Every recipe has a Nutrition Snapshot showing you the amounts and percentages of more than 20 key nutrients.

This is particularly important for people who have diabetes, heart conditions, and other medical conditions that are affected by diet.

And you will never have to worry that your food is adding toxins to your body, putting fat on your hips or disrupting your delicate hormonal balance.

Don’t be fooled by imitations…

Our “competition” often recommend toxic artificial ingredients, employ harmful cooking techniques, and advise you to use conventionally-raised, hormone-pumped meats and pesticide-laden produce in their recipes.

Through the Your Plate, Your Fate series, you’ll find we make some pretty big commitments to you. We vow to protect you from harmful compounds… while packing more nutrition into every bite.

But preserving your health is only one part of the story. In our mission to promote human health, we’re also making a commitment to preserve the health of our planet. After all, you can’t have one without the other.

Doing the right thing isn’t always easy. But guided by our eight principles, you’ll find the right thing isn’t just easy… it tastes really good too!

You can be sure that every food, recipe and approved brand you find on the Healing Gourmet website is perfectly healthy. That’s because:

Ask a wealthy man who has lost his health what he would give to regain it, and he will tell you… Everything! There is simply no investment in life is more valuable than your health.

Your Plate, Your Fate is a lot more than information. It is a blueprint to a life of wellness and healthy abundance… and NOTHING could be more valuable than that!

As you can imagine, the TRUE value of this program is impossible to calculate.

It is certainly worth a fortune in medical expenses you’ll never have to pay.

The Healing Gourmet Your Plate, Your Fate health transformation program and membership to the Healing Gourmet website and community is going to change your life and dramatically improve your health.

And because the entire program is delivered in convenient PDF format, you can download your copy and get started right away!

And what you’ll receive will last a lifetime.

In parts of China, doctors don’t get paid unless they help to improve the patient’s health. That is the same guarantee I make to you and it is a promise that no doctor or drug company will EVER make.

In other words, you risk nothing.

We are so confident that the information and advice in the Healing Gourmet Your Plate, Your Fate health transformation system is so valuable to your health that we offer an unconditional 60-day money back guarantee.

Use this information. Put what you learn into action. Implement the life-changing principles. I guarantee that you will be successful in your goal to transform your body and your health.

If you are not 100% satisfied in every way, just let us know and we will cheerfully refund every penny of your order, with no questions asked. And you can even keep everything you have received, with our sincere compliments.

The Risk-Free Order Form is easy and quick to fill out and completely secure. As soon as your order is complete, you will be directed to a “Success” page where you will have immediate access to the entire series.

Before you take another bite of food (or swallow another pill), you owe it to yourself to put this information in your hands.

You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Don’t hesitate… Your health is too valuable. Take action today!

Editor in Chief
Healing Gourmet

©2007-2011 Health-e Enterprises, LLC.


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Your Plate, Your Fate | A Revolutionary Recipe for Lifelong Health & Effortless Weight Loss is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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